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Fighting Osteoporosis Naturally

  • Fighting Osteoporosis Naturally Exercise and weight loss are known to improve both appearance and well-being. Another common knowledge is that weight loss, a controlled diet, and regular exercise lead to a healthier heart. 

  •  In addition to the benefits of proper diet and exercise already mentioned, there are many other very specific health benefits of regular exercise and a weight loss program. 
  • An additional health benefit of exercise and weight loss activities is protection against osteoporosis, a disease that weakens and weakens bones with age. 

  •  Weight-bearing exercises such as walking, elliptical trainers, and jogging have been shown to strengthen the skeletal system and reduce the risk of developing this very debilitating disease 

  • The main reason for this is that exercises that force the body to carry weight cause the bones to become thicker over time, as opposed to a sedentary lifestyle where bones become weaker and more brittle due to a lack of strength.  
  • Weight loss can lower health risks in overweight or obese people delay the onset of diabetes and improve mobility in those who have osteoarthritis of the knee.

  •   In women in particular,  low estrogen levels, which often accompany menopause and/or very infrequent periods, aggravate the problem as bones lose many minerals and consequently become weak. 
  • Additionally, such activities, which many people participate in to lose weight or maintain already healthy body composition, have been shown to help prevent further development of the disease in people who already have a diagnosis and medical clearance was received. 

         To your best body,


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